Monday, July 11, 2011

Calling all young leaders!

by Bekah Houff

Updated on 14 July 2011 - see below

In response to both public and private conversations I had at Annual Conference as well as Katie’s call on facebook, I thought a FWFS post about HOW we nominate young adult leaders for Annual Conference leadership would be appropriate.

The Annual Conference Office has posted easy to find links for both the nomination form and the AC evaluation (see below).

This is the place to nominate persons for the positions listed below. You must get permission to nominate the people you write in the form. You’ll need their contact information as well. The nominee form is different from the nomination form. It is my understanding (anyone out there, correct me if I’m wrong) that the nominee form does not get submitted until someone from the Annual Conference Office contacts you to fill it out.

The following positions are receiving nominations:

Annual Conference Secretary
Program & Arrangements Committee
On Earth Peace Board
Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust Board
Bethany Seminary Trustee -Clergy
Bethany Seminary Trustee -Colleges
Mission & Ministry Board -Area 1
Mission & Ministry Board -Area 2
Committee on Interchurch Relations
Pastoral Compensation & Benefits Advisory Board

So, you may think – I didn’t go to Annual Conference, I can’t fill out an evaluation! True, you may not be able to evaluate AC, but this is the form where you can submit names for leaders for future Annual Conferences. There are no required fields, so just skip whatever you don’t want to fill out.

You may suggest leaders for the following Annual Conference leadership opportunities:
Worship Leader
Music Coordinator
Adult Choir Director
Bible study leaders
Children’s choir director
Theatrical performers

There is also a spot for “other suggestions for future Annual Conferences” as well as “suggested themes for future Annual Conferences”

I hope this little run down is helpful in your participation in calling out leaders – particularly young leaders for Annual Conferences of the future. Let us consider one another’s gifts and call those we feel would serve in these positions well. Let’s continue to affirm one another’s calls and continue the work of Jesus as engaged leaders in our Church!


I'll post more as they come.

There is an "Elections Procedures" document for each Annual Conference. I have the hard copy of the one for next summer, but it won't be posted to the COB AC website for another week or two (AC backlog - COB staff are working hard to get everything up ASAP!). When it is up, I'll post it here.

I also asked about deadlines:
the nomination form is due by December 1
the online AC evaluation will be closed around August 8 (that's a rough date)

Other additional information:
You don't actually have to have the permission of the person whom you are nominating - just their contact info! I got this procedure confused with what is used for nominations from the floor of Annual Conference. You can submit a nomination for anyone. Annual Conference will then contact those people and ask them to submit a nominee form - they can refuse at that point if s/he is not feeling called OR fill out the form and be considered!

Hope that helps! Keep bringing on the questions!