Wednesday, October 6, 2010

For the irreverent among you

In my non-existant free time I started a video blog companion to my personal blog, the first installment of which I used to (somewhat satirically) describe substitutionary atonement.  If you're interested, here's the link to the video on YouTube.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A pastiche tribute to Art Gish

by Brian Gumm

Fellow Brethren folk may be interested to see my attempt to honor the life of Art Gish over at the Restorative Theology blog: A pastiche tribute to Art Gish. I'm basically trying to honor him by channeling his social-technological critique found in Beyond the Rat Race and focus it on the digital age. Here's the closing paragraph:
From top to bottom, pledging allegiance to the digital age comes with serious implications that most people are not even remotely aware of. A consistent post-Christendom critique of this system in the tradition of Yoder and Hauerwas exposes it as a neo-Constantinian political-economic industrial complex. The poor rarely have voice in this system, as the economic and educational barriers to entry are high. Christians of means are lulled into a slumber by the flashing lights and excited voices, deaf to the despairing cries of a fallen world, deaf to even the cries of those closest to them. If what Gish states is true (and I think it is), that “(u)ncontrolled technology helped us get us into our mess and shows no sign of getting us out” (p. 118), then where to from here?